"...always keep in mind that life is a great thing, everything hard has it positive side, don't be stuck in the every day life, allow yourself to dream, have faith in your wildest dreams"

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jeudi 20 mai 2010

My mp3

My favorite piece of technology is… my iPod. Actually, I had different. First, I got an mp3 like 6 years ago, but I lost it. Then, I bought another one. And since like 3 years I have an iPod. But, I have a new one since one month, because when I went on a trip this summer, I was stolen, and so my father offered me a new one.
I think it would be very difficult for me to live without it, since I listen to it like… always. Every time I am walking in the street, waiting in a queue in the supermarket, in the subway or anywhere else, I can’t help listening to music. Therefore, I could say that my iPod is just like my second skin. My headphones make me able to focus on my music even if there is noise around me. And I must say it is very useful when I want to sleep and my flatmates are listening a kind of bad techno music in the living.
One must wonder why iPods are better than other mp3, and why is it so expansive? But I think that it is not that expansive, maybe you pay a little for the brand but what is good with iPods, even if I don’t want to make too much publicity, is that you have a lot of others functions, such as on the news you have a camera, and there is a lot of games (which is very pleasant when you travel and have like 24 hours of bus) and stupid applications. And it reveals my childish personality.
To put it in a nutshell, without music, life would be an error.

mardi 18 mai 2010

The Films of my Life

I am keen on films of unknown directors, especially French ones, and also of comedy drama and even, sometimes tear-jerker if they are not too cliché. But I also like real comedies, especially French and British ones, such as Four Weddings and a Funeral, which is one of my favorite.
With the streaming, we are now able to watch whatever we want, whenever we want. But I still like to go to the cinema, even if it is very expansive, especially in France (it is like 8000 pesos to go to see a movie!). But even if I could watch whatever I want, I must confess that I enjoy watching the same films again and again, and it must be horrible for my friends because I know almost all the lines of a movie by heart and I can’t help saying them with the actors. I have like five or six movies like that.
About Chilean movies, I have to say that I have only seen La Nana, but I really liked it, because what I research in movies is that they teach me something or that they have a real story to tell, like The Lives of Others. That is probably why I can’t bear science fiction, except, and I don’t really know why, Harry Potter. That is a shame that in most of Chilean cinemas, one can only see blockbusters.