"...always keep in mind that life is a great thing, everything hard has it positive side, don't be stuck in the every day life, allow yourself to dream, have faith in your wildest dreams"

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mardi 29 juin 2010

My working week and my Sunday rest (W.H. Auden)

I still have to study at least two years in my school in France. And I am looking for others Masters in order to continue my studies after my school because I don´t really know what I want to do as my future job. It is really hard for me to imagine where I will be even in one year, so in seven, I have to reflex a lot! But since I’m studying political sciences, I suppose that I will work in a public administration or in something relative to public areas. I want my job to be useful for our society, whatever will be the kind of job I will do. It is really important to me to have the impression that I help improving the world in which we live and where my children will grow up. So, I am thinking about working in environment areas such as sustainable development. It is really important to change our ways of living in order to preserve our suffering Planet and the jobs relative to the respect of environment are increasing vastly so that it will be easy to find a job in this sector.
I don´t really know which could be my ideal job. I would like to lead and organization whose activities aim at decreasing inequalities and reconsidering our relationship with the environment, mixing research and something concrete in order to have a real influence on political decisions. As far as the concrete aspects of the job, I would like to be able to lead but in an organization in which every associate and colleague could take part in the decisions made. I don´t need a lot of money, but I would like a job which allows me to raise my children without making sacrifices, to be able to take breaks when I need it and to improve my mind whenever I want going to the cinema or to exhibitions. I would like a job in Paris or in a big city, even if it is not in France, because I need to have everything really close to me. I don´t care how many hours I work if it is an interesting job and that I can take a break a few times during the year in order to relax.

jeudi 10 juin 2010

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" Jorge Luis Borges

As Frederick Douglass said: “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free”.
I totally share his vision of books. Reading novels allows us to escape of our everyday life or to understand behaviors (ours or of the others). A good book is according to me a book you don’t want to close until you have finished it, a book that shows you a particular life, or what you can do to smooth over your life, to put into perspective your little problems, or to dream about other places, to imagine other lives. I almost only read novels because of that, even if I’m also found of sociologic or historic essays. But to relax, there is nothing better than a good novel!
At present, I’m reading Something to tell you, by the English author Hanif Kureishi. It is the story of a psychoanalyst in London, his patients, his family, his affairs. His calm life will be disturbed by the reappearance of witnesses of a murder he committed years and years ago. I like this book because the author manages to analyze the feelings of the characters in order to make them real, and to show how our behaviors are related to the others and how the human beings are interdependent.
One of my favorite authors is John Irving, and especially two books: The cider house rules and The world according to Garp. The first is the story of a boy who was born in an orphanage whose director help women with unwanted pregnancy, practicing abortion and keeping the babies. The second is the life of Garp and his family. Both manage to mix a very droll writing with an analysis of the way people act and all their contradictions, and also the familial relationships which are one of the most complicated things in the world!

I don’t think books will disappear. Maybe it will be harder to edit books because in comparison with downloading it on the internet, it will be very expansive. But I hope that there will always be a fringe of the population who will need to take the book, to smell it, and turn the corners quickly, without having finished the page before in order to discover what will happen. Maybe, the birth of the iPad for example will become an alternative to books, because reading a book on it is almost like holding it. But I will always need something more, so I hope books won’t disappear, even if I can’t predict the future!

jeudi 20 mai 2010

My mp3

My favorite piece of technology is… my iPod. Actually, I had different. First, I got an mp3 like 6 years ago, but I lost it. Then, I bought another one. And since like 3 years I have an iPod. But, I have a new one since one month, because when I went on a trip this summer, I was stolen, and so my father offered me a new one.
I think it would be very difficult for me to live without it, since I listen to it like… always. Every time I am walking in the street, waiting in a queue in the supermarket, in the subway or anywhere else, I can’t help listening to music. Therefore, I could say that my iPod is just like my second skin. My headphones make me able to focus on my music even if there is noise around me. And I must say it is very useful when I want to sleep and my flatmates are listening a kind of bad techno music in the living.
One must wonder why iPods are better than other mp3, and why is it so expansive? But I think that it is not that expansive, maybe you pay a little for the brand but what is good with iPods, even if I don’t want to make too much publicity, is that you have a lot of others functions, such as on the news you have a camera, and there is a lot of games (which is very pleasant when you travel and have like 24 hours of bus) and stupid applications. And it reveals my childish personality.
To put it in a nutshell, without music, life would be an error.

mardi 18 mai 2010

The Films of my Life

I am keen on films of unknown directors, especially French ones, and also of comedy drama and even, sometimes tear-jerker if they are not too cliché. But I also like real comedies, especially French and British ones, such as Four Weddings and a Funeral, which is one of my favorite.
With the streaming, we are now able to watch whatever we want, whenever we want. But I still like to go to the cinema, even if it is very expansive, especially in France (it is like 8000 pesos to go to see a movie!). But even if I could watch whatever I want, I must confess that I enjoy watching the same films again and again, and it must be horrible for my friends because I know almost all the lines of a movie by heart and I can’t help saying them with the actors. I have like five or six movies like that.
About Chilean movies, I have to say that I have only seen La Nana, but I really liked it, because what I research in movies is that they teach me something or that they have a real story to tell, like The Lives of Others. That is probably why I can’t bear science fiction, except, and I don’t really know why, Harry Potter. That is a shame that in most of Chilean cinemas, one can only see blockbusters.

jeudi 29 avril 2010

Without music, life would be an error

“Without music, life would be an error”, the famous quote from Nietzsche, could be my motto in life. Indeed, it accompanies my life everywhere, and every time. I could say that I need a playlist to live! I couldn’t live without listening to music, alone or with my friends. I like discovering new groups, new singers, and also to make my friends discover my favorite ones. According to the moment and to my mood, I’d rather listen to classical music or rock. Maybe sometimes I could appear to be closed to the others since I have always headphones on my ears, but it is only because I need music to walk or to think! It is almost the only way I found to appease me when I feel sad or angry.
I particularly like old songs, because it reminds me of good memories with my family and above all with my friends. But I also have that songs which, you know, nobody likes except you, but you can’t stand listen to it again and again, sometimes because you are happy listening to it (in that time, it would be “When the rain begins to fall”, Pia Zadora or “Lemon Tree”, The Fool’s Garden), and sometimes because it seems that it has been written to express what you feel. I think that it is just what I like most in music, when I have the impression that the singer is talking to me, and it is most of the time in soft rock or in French singers that I can feel that. I don’t have a favorite group or singer since as I said, what I listen depends on the moment, the mood or with who I am.
It is really hard to express what I feel about music since it is very personal, but I hope you can understand more or less what I am trying to explain, and to put it in a nutshell, Nietzsche is right!
My song of the moment: The Times They Are A-Changin’, Bob Dylan, thanks to a friend who sent it to me (which is most of the time the way I take music, even if I also sometimes download it illegally).

Without music, life would be an error

“Without music, life would be an error”, the famous quote from Nietzsche, could be my motto in life. Indeed, it accompanies my life everywhere, and every time. I could say that I need a playlist to live! I couldn’t live without listening to music, alone or with my friends. I like discovering new groups, new singers, and also to make my friends discover my favorite ones. According to the moment and to my mood, I’d rather listen to classical music or rock. Maybe sometimes I could appear to be closed to the others since I have always headphones on my ears, but it is only because I need music to walk or to think! It is almost the only way I found to appease me when I feel sad or angry.
I particularly like old songs, because it reminds me of good memories with my family and above all with my friends. But I also have that songs which, you know, nobody likes except you, but you can’t stand listen to it again and again, sometimes because you are happy listening to it (in that time, it would be “When the rain begins to fall”, Pia Zadora or “Lemon Tree”, The Fool’s Garden), and sometimes because it seems that it has been written to express what you feel. I think that it is just what I like most in music, when I have the impression that the singer is talking to me, and it is most of the time in soft rock or in French singers that I can feel that. I don’t have a favorite group or singer since as I said, what I listen depends on the moment, the mood or with who I am.
It is really hard to express what I feel about music since it is very personal, but I hope you can understand more or less what I am trying to explain, and to put it in a nutshell, Nietzsche is right!
My song of the moment: The Times They Are A-Changin’, Bob Dylan, thanks to a friend who sent it to me (which is most of the time the way I take music, even if I also sometimes download it illegally).