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mardi 29 juin 2010

My working week and my Sunday rest (W.H. Auden)

I still have to study at least two years in my school in France. And I am looking for others Masters in order to continue my studies after my school because I don´t really know what I want to do as my future job. It is really hard for me to imagine where I will be even in one year, so in seven, I have to reflex a lot! But since I’m studying political sciences, I suppose that I will work in a public administration or in something relative to public areas. I want my job to be useful for our society, whatever will be the kind of job I will do. It is really important to me to have the impression that I help improving the world in which we live and where my children will grow up. So, I am thinking about working in environment areas such as sustainable development. It is really important to change our ways of living in order to preserve our suffering Planet and the jobs relative to the respect of environment are increasing vastly so that it will be easy to find a job in this sector.
I don´t really know which could be my ideal job. I would like to lead and organization whose activities aim at decreasing inequalities and reconsidering our relationship with the environment, mixing research and something concrete in order to have a real influence on political decisions. As far as the concrete aspects of the job, I would like to be able to lead but in an organization in which every associate and colleague could take part in the decisions made. I don´t need a lot of money, but I would like a job which allows me to raise my children without making sacrifices, to be able to take breaks when I need it and to improve my mind whenever I want going to the cinema or to exhibitions. I would like a job in Paris or in a big city, even if it is not in France, because I need to have everything really close to me. I don´t care how many hours I work if it is an interesting job and that I can take a break a few times during the year in order to relax.

3 commentaires:

  1. I hope we will work together to improve the way of living of people in a more eco friendly perpsective!

  2. Apply those eco policies in the whole world, pleaaase!

  3. I have heard you are going to do an internship this summer exactly in this environmentalist field. I think it is a amazing way to begin, and I am sure it will help you to know what your ideal job is.
